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You Can Do It, Sam  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Hest, Amy
Category: Fiction - Social  Freind  Personality 

Barcode: 88155555

ISBN: 9780763636883
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
价值: ¥50
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥10,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 1-In this third visit to the cozy home of a little bear and his loving mama, Sam has grown just a bit bigger, but not much bolder. When the two of them set out to make early-morning deliveries of the tasty cakes they have baked for their friends, Mrs. Bear encourages him to go to their doors. "All by myself?" he whispers. A heartening hug helps him to muster up his courage and make his way through the new snow to leave a red-bagged surprise on the doorsteps of several houses. And when they return home from making these neighborly gestures, there are two bags left over, just right for a brave little cub and his caring mother. Mrs. Bear in her big green sweater, the homey quilt-square curtains in the snug and humble kitchen, and the white mice with whom the bears share their home are warm and familiar. Jeram's bright, acrylic palette is gold-kissed and glowing. And while this story is not as fluid or as rhythmic as its companions, Sam's fans will find little fault with it. Kathy Krasniewicz, Perrot Library, Greenwich, CT

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
We bought this book three years ago and my kids (4 yrs. and 7 yrs.) still love to read/hear it. I was surprised to see two reviewers describe the text as awkward and "strangely repetitive." The text is repetitive, but it's poetic and emphasizes certain concepts. Typically children like repetition of words and themes. Regarding a previous reviewer's comments about spending more time on the "you can do it" aspect, I'd argue that the part about mama bear and her little cub working together to bake and prepare the packages is as important to the story as the actual delivery. What's not to like about a mom spending time with her son and teaching him how to serve his neighbors? The text of this book is charming and the illustrations are beautiful. We own all three Sam books and regularly give them as gifts. I highly recommend the entire series.

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ruby: 温馨的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/2/10 8:57:00
这是Jim Trelease给infants to toddlers (婴幼儿应该是0-2岁)宝宝推荐的书,觉得很温馨,画面非常柔和。讲的是熊妈妈和熊宝宝一大清早起来烤蛋糕,送给周围的邻居,熊妈妈鼓励熊宝宝自己去把蛋糕放在邻居的门口---在大雪纷飞的早上,妈妈在车上等着,最后妈子俩回家一去吃剩下的两个蛋糕。自己很是喜欢这本书,也许是因为自己也是妈妈的原因,看到书封面上熊宝宝大步在雪里可爱的样子,不禁热泪盈眶。但我觉得文字部分对宝宝来说还是有点难,也不是特别押韵。只能等宝宝大点再来重读拉。
0 顶.  
家有俩明珠: 独立训练好书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2015/6/17 10:39:00
这本书画面精良,情节温暖,多次出现及强调 All by himself, 我们有时候想让宝宝变得独立一点,这种类型的书无疑是很好的切入点,孩子需要一些榜样,等他迈出了第一步,再做起来就很容易了,就像故事里的SAM, 自己体验了一次以后,接下来不用妈妈多说,主动说 Here I go,特别好
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