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The Snowy Day(美国凯迪克大奖获奖绘本)  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Keats, Ezra Jack
Category: Fiction - Action  Award  AwardWinner 

Barcode: 89693193

ISBN: 9780140501827
Pages: 40
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
No book has captured the magic and sense of possibility of the first snowfall better than The Snowy Day. Universal in its appeal, the story has become a favorite of millions, as it reveals a child's wonder at a new world, and the hope of capturing and keeping that wonder forever.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
The Snowy Day, a 1963 Caldecott Medal winner, is the simple tale of a boy waking up to discover that snow has fallen during the night. Keats's illustrations, using cut-outs, watercolors, and collage, are strikingly beautiful in their understated color and composition. The tranquil story mirrors the calm presence of the paintings, and both exude the silence of a freshly snow-covered landscape. The little boy celebrates the snow-draped city with a day of humble adventures--experimenting with footprints, knocking snow from a tree, creating snow angels, and trying to save a snowball for the next day. Awakening to a winter wonderland is an ageless, ever-magical experience, and one made nearly visceral by Keats's gentle tribute. The book is notable not only for its lovely artwork and tone, but also for its importance as a trailblazer. According to Horn Book magazine, The Snowy Day was "the very first full-color picture book to feature a small black hero"--yet another reason to add this classic to your shelves. It's as unique and special as a snowflake.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
A small book for children, particularly pre-schoolers, about a little boy who goes outside to play in the new fallen snow. It shows the simple joy and delight a child can have with newly fallen snow. I disagree with the comments of an earlier reviewer (Ms. Whittaker from Rush City, Minnesota, in 1998); the artwork is simple and direct because of the nature of the simple and quiet story and because the book is really aimed a pre-schoolers. Interestingly, the book won the 1963 Caldecott Medal for best illustration in a children's book. As far as I can tell, this book is the first winner which is centered about an African-American child. Hence, for this and other reasons, it is a book that should be on the shelf of any serious student of children literature.

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bosswf201: 小朋友喜欢的下雪的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/6/18 12:47:00
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gaoqiru: 女儿喜欢的下雪题材书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/12/3 14:19:00
0 顶.  
芭拉芭拉公主: 关于雪的主题     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/2/7
0 顶.  
ruby: 看书+视频+实景 = 小宝真实感受这本书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/2/7 11:22:00

我觉的这本书应该用心来体会。说的是下雪天,孩子的各种雪地玩乐。我家宝宝2岁,偏嬉闹搞怪的书。但是却也爱上了这本宁静而不失童趣的好书。开始读书好多遍,然后看了视频好几遍,再后来,到雪地里实地玩玩书中的小游戏。如making long track (弄雪痕), walk with toes pointing in, pointing out (外八内八走路),slap snow on trees with a stick, (用棍打雪), 等等。这些表达,宝宝都在玩乐中学会。画画也开始画long long track:) ,好书值得反复阅读反复学习。

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penny: 很唯美的一本书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/8/17 16:16:00
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笑笑60087: 下雪了     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/12/2 12:59:00
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