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Stay In Bed, Davy(名作家Brigitte Weninger著作)  有书评 有内页照片  可点读
Author:   Weninger, Brigitte
Category: Fiction - Humorous  可点读

Barcode: 89435229

ISBN: 9780735821545
Pages: 48
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.95
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 1–Eddie has a plan for his under-the-weather friend, whose mother has instructed him to stay in bed while she and the rest of the Rabbit family visit Grandma. Eddie joins forces with his cousin Kiki and they become Davys nurses as he spends the day recovering in his own inimitable way. Recalling Mothers warning, the caregivers drag Davys bed outdoors. Leave it to Eddie and Kiki to devise a plan full of fresh air and big fun. This rollicking, rambunctious rabbit tale, with comical illustrations in warm earth tones, will tickle children.–Andrea Tarr, Corona Public Library, CA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
There's no stronger magnetic pull than from one naughty boy to another, with their impulsive dives into the black hole of misbehavior. Witness the enduring appeal of Where the Wild Things Are as just one smirking example. I suppose Lord of the Flies is another, but let's not go there. My son's entered the phase where all things mischevious have an immediate, transfixing appeal, and insists this book is "sooooo funny!" Which means I'm doing endless back-to-back readings of it. Basically, Davy's got a tummy ache, and two friends offer to "nurse" him while the rest of the bunny family goes off to granma's. Mother Rabbit gives strict instructions that Davy's to stay in bed. But silly Mommy neglects to mention whether the bed has to stay in the rabbit warren or even on dry land. Misadventures ensue. A caveat: the bunnies can be hard to keep straight. There's a lot of them and they are as alike as, well, a bunch of rabbits. Otherwise, the watercolor and pencil illustrations in warm, forest tones strike just the right note of mayhem. I chafed a bit at the exhuberant text (translated from German), which makes too-liberal use of exclamation points. Though judging from my son's excitement, maybe not.

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可可妈: 呆在床上,但不一定呆在家里     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/3/16 15:08:00
Davy由于过多地吃了黑莓,甚至是还没有长熟,仍然是绿色的黑莓,结果肚子疼,告诉了妈妈,妈妈将她抱上床,并放了一个温水瓶在她的怀里。不幸的是,这一天是她们全家去外婆家吃外婆烘烤的黑莓派的日子。这时Davy的俩个好朋友来看她,并答应帮忙照看她,爹妈说你一定呆在床上“Stay In Bed”,Davy同意了,并一再强调:“这是兔子的承诺”。
爹妈带着哥哥姐姐们走了,Davy想在家多不好玩啊!爹妈说“Stay In Bed”,并没说床放在哪里啊?Davy跟俩个朋友一说,大家眼前一亮,Davy呆在床上,俩个小伙伴抬着床就出门了,干嘛去了呢?当海盗漂流去了!玩了整个一天,Davy的病也好了,可是小床由于浸水了,好重好重,俩个小伙伴用了全部的力气才将床抬回了家,放回了原地。爹妈回来了,并带了黑莓派回来,发现俩个朋友脸色苍白,他们因为怕露馅儿,急忙告辞。Davy的病好了,与家人重新快乐地生活在一起。
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蓉妈: 很有趣的一本书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/4/30 14:30:00
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