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Ahh, it’s the good life for Buster, a red, pointy-nosed dog. He has his own dishes (with his name painted in curvy letters), a big grassy yard, an in-and-out flap on the back door, and "Brown Shoes," who takes Buster to the park any time he wants. But on the day Brown Shoes brings home a big box--which does not contain sausages or fancy French cheeses, as Buster hopes--life takes a dramatic turn for the worse. Enter Betty, a fluffy white kitten, who doesn't seem to realize that Buster is scared of cats. When she starts purring and winding around Buster's legs, he freezes: "Buster was terrified. He was afraid to move. 'If I ignore her,' thought Buster, 'maybe she'll go away.'" Of course, she doesn't, so Buster does. Running off to a park across town, Buster has a lovely day... until he realizes he has no idea how to get back home again. Can you guess who comes to the rescue?



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