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I'll Always Love You  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Wilhelm, Hans
Category: Fiction - Pet  Romance  Growth 

Barcode: 81374052

ISBN: 9780517572658
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Illus. in full color. "In this gentle, moving story, Elfie, a dachshund, and her special boy progress happily through life together. One morning Elfie does not wake up. The family grieves and buries her. The watercolor illustrations, tender and warm in color and mood, suit the simple text perfectly

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2 In this gentle, moving story, Elfie, a dachshund, and her special boy progress happily through life together. When she is young, Elfie is full of pep and pranks; but as her master grows taller and taller, Elfie grows fatter and slower. One morning Elfie does not wake up. The family grieves and buries her, and the boy refuses a new puppy. He is not yet ready for another pet; but when he is, he will tell that one, as he told Elsie every night, "I'll always love you." The watercolor illustrations, tender and warm in color and mood and cozily rounded in form, suit the simple text perfectly. Elsie's gradual change from a lively mischief-maker to a portly old dog is treated with a sweet humor. Viorst's The Tenth Good Thing About Barney (Atheneum, 1971) and Cohen's Jim's Dog Muffins (Greenwillow, 1984) also treat the loss of a beloved pet with great understanding, but anyone who has or ever had an old dog in the family will be especially touched by this book. Pat Pearl, First Presbyterian Church Library, Martinsville, Va.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
A boy and his chubby hound, Elfie are the closest friends. They share developmental milestones and secrets. The gentle illustrations show the bond between the two; in one picture, the boy, then barely more than an infant mounts a toilet seat while his dog tinkles on the floor. The parallel between the two and their developmental milestones from pup to dog and from toddler to older child are beautifully chronicled. As Elfie ages, she is no longer able to romp and play. Her stiffened joints and fatigue are taxed on her advanced age. She is taken to a kindly vet, who says that he cannot treat her, but the best thing to do is make her happy and comfortable. Elfie eventually dies and the boy sadly buries her after openly sharing his grief. He vows that he will tell every pet he owns that he will always love that animal. A wonderful book of healing and bonding; truly the best book dealing with the death of a pet that I have come across. I think the message of telling a loved one, human or pet that you will always love them is a lesson worth learning. Thank you, Mr. Wilhelm!

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royallove: 温馨 打动人心的一本书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2017/8/8 11:42:00
3 顶.  
深圳金龟子英文绘本屋: 关于爱,关于我们对孩子生命的诠释     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2015/5/29 11:53:00
This is a story about Elfie- the Best dog in the whole.
We grew up together, but Elfie grew much faster than Idid.孩子和小狗一起长大了,但是小狗要比小孩长得快得多。
My brother and sister loved Elfie very much, but she was mydog.小男孩的哥哥姐姐也很喜欢小狗,但是怎么说呢,对小男孩来说“那是我的小狗”。
——小狗正在变老了,爬楼梯也变得越来越困难。但是小男孩会把它抱上楼去睡觉。大大的狗窝也变成了小小的狗窝,显得拥挤。直到有一天,小狗睡过去再没有醒来,全家都很伤心,埋葬了小狗。小男孩的哥哥姐姐虽然心里也很喜欢小狗,但是小男孩感到不同的是,只有他每天晚上都会对小狗说“I’llalways love you”:我会永远爱你
Someday I’ll have another dog,
Or a kitten or a goldfish.
But whatever it is, I’ll tell it
Every night: “I’ll always love you.”

1 顶.  
selina妈妈: 淡淡的故事     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/5/6 13:52:00
讲一个小男孩和一只小狗一起长大,一起玩,后来小狗老去离开男孩,男孩虽失去了小狗,但是庆幸自己告诉过小狗:I'll Always Love You.这样一个故事。
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家有俩明珠: 生命主题     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2015/5/27 8:42:00
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