Book Details... |
Overview / 简介: |
FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. A lion starts visiting the local library but runs into trouble as he tries to both obey the rules and help his librarian friend. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Starred Review. PreSchool-Grade 2–Miss Merriweather, head librarian and decorum-keeper, first meets Lion when he saunters past his stone counterparts and into the stacks. Scowling circulation assistant Mr. McBee seems intent on having the enormous cat ejected, but his boss declares that as long as he breaks no rules, he is welcome. The beast does misbehave though, roaring loud displeasure when storytime ends. At Miss Merriweather's reprimand, the contrite-looking lion promises to reform. In fact, he becomes something of a fixture in the building, dusting with his tail, licking envelopes, and serving as a stepstool for small patrons. Everyone appreciates him–except Mr. McBee. When Lion lets out another tremendous RAAAHHHRRR!, the man bursts into Miss Merriweather's office to snitch–and there he finds her in distress, having fallen from a stool and broken her arm. Lion, à la Lassie, has saved the day, but he is so chagrined by his own rule-breaking behavior that he doesn't return to the library. People miss him. Even Mr. McBee. A feel-good ending and a reminder that Sometimes, there is a good reason to break the rules bring the story to its most-satisfactory conclusion. Hawkes's deft acrylic-and-pencil pictures have appeal for generations of library lovers. They are rich with expression, movement, and detail. The lordly, lovable lion is a masterful mix–regal beast and furry friend–and the many human characters are drawn with animation and emotion. This winsome pairing of text and illustration is a natural for storytime and a first purchase for every collection.–Kathy Krasniewicz, Perrot Library, Old Greenwich, CT |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
"Library Lion," written by Michelle Knudsen and illustrated by Kevin Hawkes, has a timeless quality and moral appeal that will assure it's place in the future lists of classic storybooks for children. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Michelle Knudsen has worked in several libraries in New York. She is the author of Fish and Frog, and many other books for children. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. Kevin Hawkes is the illustrator of many award-winning books for children, including Weslandia and City Circus, both by Paul Fleischman; and Handel, Who Knew What He Liked and Me, All Alone at the End of the World, both by M. T. Anderson. |



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Cindy: 喜欢听故事的狮子
| 2011/7/13 21:09:00 |
这本书讲的是一头狮子不请自来, 自己跑到图书馆听故事了! 图书管理员跑到图书馆馆长那里告状, 图书馆馆长认为狮子只要没有大声喧哗, 没有违反图书馆规定,就可以呆在图书馆看书呢! 第二天, 狮子来早了, 还不到讲故事时间呢. 它帮着MERRIWEATHER扫尘, 粘信封, 帮着小小孩够高处的书......总之, 狮子每天来听故事, 孩子们都喜欢上了这只漂亮的狮子. 有一天, 狮子又来早了, 它做完了其他的事情, 来到MERRIWEATHER的办公室看看有什么要帮忙的吗? MERRIWEATHER爬上椅子要拿一本很高的书下来, 结果不幸摔了下来, 狮子很快地跑到管理员MCBEE那里. MCBEE一直不喜欢狮子, 看也不看狮子一眼, 狮子没有办法了, 冲着管理员大喊大叫! 管理员飞快地跑到馆长那边去告状! 而狮子呢? 知道自己违反了规定, 黯然离开了...... 没有了狮子, 孩子们一直心不在焉, 馆长也耷拉着脑袋......管理员MCBEE知道馆长心里一直惦念狮子, 在一个大雨天去找, 结果竟然看到狮子在图书馆的玻璃门外, 很酸楚地望着里面......MCBEE跟狮子说: 有时候, 规定是可以违反的, 比如在救人的时候...... 第二天, 狮子又回到了图书馆, 管理员MCBEE去跟馆长说, 馆长飞快地跑过去和狮子抱在了一起, 孩子们呢, 更甭提了, 高兴地做起了倒立!
hanahaiyans: 图书馆狮子
| 2011/9/5 16:18:00 |
狮子进入图书馆,喜欢听故事,不让听故事还闹脾气。不过它后来知道要遵守图书馆的规则,也被大家所接受和喜爱。 但是为了救馆长他违背了图书馆规则,在图书馆里大吼,希望管理员麦克比先生能够去救馆长。吼完自知犯错,垂头丧气地离开图书馆(这里那个背影特别让人感觉到伤感)。而图书馆没有了狮子,大家都不习惯了。看到馆长那么难过,麦克比把狮子找了回来,结果馆长激动地大叫着跑去看狮子(自己也违反了图书馆规则)。很感人。 |
豆豆妈: 让人感动的绘本
| 2011/10/26 13:01:00 |
豆豆2岁10个月,看这本书还有点早,我自己先读了一遍,为了麦小姐失而复得的狮子感动到落泪,故事很温馨,感兴趣的同志们可以去买国内出版的图书馆狮子。 |