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Dr. Seuss
: 这就是大名鼎鼎的苏斯博士的书,遍布美国各个图书馆,而且其二手书在美国十分畅销并且折价不多!用非常有限的词汇编写的幽默故事,几乎颠覆了人们对儿童书的认知,滑稽的动作、夸张的语言、幽默的故事,深得孩子们喜欢。
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
This timeless Dr. Seuss classic was first published in 1960, and has been delighting readers ever since. Sam-I-am is as persistent as a telemarketer, changing as many variables as possible in the hopes of convincing the nameless skeptic that green eggs and ham are a delicacy to be savored. He tries every manner of presentation with this "nouveau cuisine"--in a house, with a mouse, in a box, with a fox, with a goat, on a boat--to no avail. Then finally, finally the doubter caves under the tremendous pressure exerted by the tireless Sam-I-am. And guess what? Well, you probably know what happens, but even after reading Green Eggs and Ham the thousandth time, the climactic realization that green eggs and ham are "so good, so good, you see" is still a rush. As usual, kids will love Dr. Seuss's wacky rhymes and whimsical illustrations--and this time, they might even be so moved as to finally take a taste of their broccoli. (Ages 4 to 8) |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This book has been around for such a very long time and it is still going strong. I can remember reading this book to my eldest daughter when she was three or four years old, and the book was read to her so many times that she could eventually repeat back every word to me. My daughter is now 36 years old and her daughter is 12. Both can still recite all the words without the book. Over the years, the catchy words will forever remain with you.
Aside from the simple words, the book portrays a very important message - do not be afraid to try new things. As a parent and counsellor, I can attest to the fact that message can be one of life's greatest learning experiences not only for children but for adults as well. We never know what we can accomplish or what we can achieve until we try. In addition, some things are not always what they seem. If you have never read a Dr. Seuss book, you have no idea of what you or your children are missing. Of all the Seuss books, this is an all-time favourite. |
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