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Matthew's Dream  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Lionni, Leo
Category: Fiction - Social  Personality 

Barcode: 81553860

ISBN: 9780679873181
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Leo Lionni :  著名的儿童作家和绘画作家 Leo Lionni, 绘画非常有特色, 色彩很美。在美国有数量庞大的 Leo Lionni 粉丝群。

Overview / 简介:
On a visit to a museum, a mouse discovers his artistic vocation; PW's boxed review said, "In a classic 'less is more' mode, the text is direct yet abundantly meaningful." Ages 3-7.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3-- A classy, classic Lionni mouse fable with themes like those in Frederick (1967) or Geraldine, the Music Mouse (1979, both Pantheon). Here, too, the joy, exuberance, and service of an artist's calling are made clear to the very young. A poor mouse couple lives in a dusty attic where they have great hopes for their only child. When they ask Matthew what he wants to be, however, he is uncertain--until the day his class goes on a field trip to the art museum. The paintings make a profound impression on him, and they clarify his vocation; he is to be an artist. In one memorable turn of a page readers see just what the tiny dreamer has seen, as Matthew's imagination transforms the dreary junk of his attic corner into a Picasso-like work of art. Both the torn paper collages and the reproductions of museum " mouse terpieces" in various painting styles invite children to look and look again. A strong, fine book by an illustrator who, like Matthew, paints canvases "filled with the shapes and colors of joy."

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Although the subject matter of this book initially appeared to be for an older child, it is clear that the text and illustrations appeal as strongly to the younger set. Ever since learning of Matthew the Mouse's determination to become a painter (in contravention of his parents desires that he become a M.D.) my two-year-old son (also named Matthew) has been wielding his paintbrush often and furiously. The illustrations are aesthetically pleasing and clarify the text perfectly. The text, while simple in form, provides excellent vocabulary builders (e.g., use of "embrace" rather than "hug") and also gives the reader the chance to discuss with the child many ideas and activities that take place inside and outside the home. All in all a wonderful find; a story that truly respects a child's right to follow his or her own dreams.

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感谢菜农妈提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

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可可妈: 小老鼠的梦想     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/7/26 10:39:00
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爱巢果果妈: 为什么这么痴迷Leo Lionni的作品!     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/10/13 2:03:00
书中出现的是虽然是小老鼠,但却反应了人类世界中的大道理。透过图画的表达,Leo Lionni尝试告诉孩子这些对他们成长有意义的故事。Leo Lionni常说:“儿童在图画书中会经验到的是一连串已结构成形的幻想,但这些幻想却会激发孩子内心深处的感觉与想象。透过这些经验,孩子尝试将个人的视觉经验与语文经验产生对话,并形成连结”。
这就是我喜欢Leo Lionni作品的原因!
安妮娘可以搞次Leo Lionni作品的团购吗?
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桐桐妈: 赞成搞次Leo Lionni作品的团购!     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/11/5 13:16:00
我和孩子也都喜欢Leo Lionni的作品,在加入安妮图书馆前,曾把Leo Lionni的中文译本陆续都看了一遍,每一本都很喜欢,现在打算把英文绘本也逐步和孩子一起看看!5岁女孩。
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