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Cabin Fever ( Diary of a Wimpy Kid )
Author:   Jeff Kinney
Category: Fiction - Social  Humorous 

Barcode: 68283049

ISBN: 9781419703683
Pages: 217
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 7.99
价值: ¥80
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥16,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Overview / 简介:

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is the most lively and best book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. My favorite part was reading about how the family managed to survive without any luxuries or contact with the rest of the world when a big snowstorm came. Different members of Greg's family suffered in their own way. An example is when the father couldn't get home and was forced to stay at a luxurious hotel while the rest of the family didn't have any electricity or heat (except for Manny). I can relate to this experience because I live in a part of the country that often gets snowed-in and loses power in the winter. There was a lot of drama, great humor, and a big unexpected twist at the end. It would be best to read this book after reading all of the others in the series but, it would still be a really great book even if you didn't read the rest of the series.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
My son loves this series so of course I pre-ordered this book for him. It just arrived today and boy did he gush when I surprised him with it after school. I even got a hug and an "I love you!" before he disappeared with it for the remainder of the evening. He's about halfway through with it already and stopped himself so he would have more to enjoy tomorrow. He rereads them all anyways. I also flipped through it before he came home and chuckled at the parts, the boy reminds me of my own and is probably why he loves this series so much. It is very relatable to kids without being a bad influence. I love the humor and that it keeps my son reading!

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