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If Mom Had Three Arms
Author:   Orloff, Karen Kaufman
Category: Fiction - Family  Parent  Fantasy 

Barcode: 81082575

ISBN: 9781402723568
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14.95
价值: ¥90
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥21,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
"I only have two arms!" Every mother has said it sometime, and every kid has heard it. But a young boy wonders: what would happen if Mom really had more…many more? Children looking at this inventive and amusingly illustrated picture book will happily join in the fantasy.

If Mommy had many arms, what could she do? Just imagine! She’d be Supermom, with three arms juggling, or four-armed Mom at a crosswalk, making cars stop and go. And why raise just one hand in class when you can raise…FIVE? As kids count along right up to 20 amazing presidential arms shaking hands, holding babies, signing bills, and saluting the flag, they’ll come up with some great ideas of their own. But best of all, they will remember that Mom only needs her two real arms for hugging.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 1–When a boy asks his mom to carry his backpack, Mom, loaded down with two sacks of groceries, replies, I only have two arms! The child then begins to imagine what might happen if his mother had more arms. She could juggle in a circus, direct traffic, or even pour more lemonade for his visiting friends. The arm counting continues to 20 with little reason for the multiplicity of appendages. If Mom had five arms, she would look very smart. Ultimately, the boy realizes that two arms are perfectly fine for hugs, wrapping up the story line in a tender moment. The color cartoon artwork is appealingly goofy, but the rhymed couplets sometimes become tedious. There are plenty of zany counting books that hold more charm than this one.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
As a preschool teacher I am always looking for good books to share with my children....and this is a great one!! Any book that holds the attention of 15 three year olds is a book worthy of reading....And when they pull it off the bookshelf themselves and "read" it to each other, you know you have a great one. Good for practicing counting and good for the imagination .

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