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Pirates  有书评
Author:   Osborne, Will   Osborne, Mary Pope
Category: Nonfiction - People 

Barcode: 73070481

ISBN: 9780375802997
Pages: 128
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
价值: ¥50
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥10,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Magic Tree House Research Guide :  神奇树屋 Magic Tree House 伴随的Nonfiction Research Guide, 难度略有提高。

Overview / 简介:
What were pirates really like? How did people become pirates? Where did pirates bury their treasure?
Dig up the answers to these questions and more in Magic Tree House Research Guide #4: Pirates, Jack and Annie’s very own guide to pirates. Includes information onpirate flags, pirate treasure, real-life pirates, walking the plank, and much more!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My wife's children are fascinated by the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies. They reflect the role that pirates have taken in the popular and entertainment media. However, the true story of the pirate lifestyle generally bears little resemblance to how it is portrayed. This book, a work of nonfiction, serves to present the facts regarding pirates. Written for children, the style is appropriate for the late elementary and early middle school student. The lives of the most famous pirates are described, as well as the difference between a pirate, a privateer and a buccaneer. A privateer was a free-lance robber, operating under the orders of a government. When a nation went to war with another and had no navy, they would hand out "letters of marquee" to ship captains, which gave them permission to attack ships belonging to the opposing nation(s). Buccaneers were criminals who traveled to islands in the Caribbean and settled there. Generally, they left everyone alone until the Spanish rulers tried to drive them from their homes. Their response was to attack Spanish shipping. This is a book that gives an accurate historical account of what pirates did. It is also clear that pirates rarely buried their treasure, as the whole point was to capture booty so that they could spend it. Many times, what was captured from one ship was enough, even after being parceled out to the entire crew, to allow a man to live for life. Given this, the idea that the crew would bury it is absurd.

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lucylily: 海盗的藏宝图     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/11/21 10:20:00
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