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Author:   Marjorie WeinmanSharmat,Rosalind Weinman
Category: Fiction - Growth 

Barcode: 73056812

ISBN: 9780440418214
Pages: 80
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,First Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
价值: ¥50
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥10,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Nate The Great

Overview / 简介:
Nate, the great detective, and his dog, Sludge, are off to SanFrancisco! They're going to visit Nate's cousin Olivia Sharp. She'sa detective, too, and a very busy one.

Olivia isn't around to solve her case number 22. Her client,Duncan, has lost his joke book. He tells Nate that if the bookisn't found--and soon--the world will come to an end. Nate takesthe case. He and Sludge cruise up and down and around San Franciscoin the limo, tracking down clues. Sticky, icky clues, big and smallclues, all-around-the-town clues that take them to a pancake house,over the Golden Gate Bridge, and finally to a place that seemswrong but could be right. Can Nate the Great keep the world fromcoming to an end? Can he solve his first out-of-town case?

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Born in Portland, Maine, in 1928, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat dreamedof becoming a writer. Little did she know that she would be theauthor of more than 70 books for children of all ages. Another ofher childhood dreams, that of becoming a detective, has also beenrealized in her most popular Nate the Great series, begun in1972. Many of Sharmat's books have been Literary Guild selections andchosen as Books of the Year by the Library of Congress. Severalhave been made into films for television, including Nate theGreat Goes Undercover, winner of the Los Angeles InternationalChildren's Film Festival Award. Nate the Great Saves the King ofSweden has been named one of the New York Public Library's 100Titles for Reading and Sharing.

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