Series / 所属系列: |
A Little Princess Story
Overview / 简介: |
The Little Princess is going camping. Everyone offers to help, but she doesn't want any help. "I want to do it myself!" she insists. So she sets off all on her own to find the perfect camp site. When she finds the right spot, she discovers she's forgotten a few important things. Maybe she needs a little help after all. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Great book which is deeply loved by our kids. The Little Princess is a bit defiant (and rude at times, as she rejects all offers of help by putting her hand up and declaring "I want to do it myself!") but that adds to the charm. Also, she is not a pink-and-pretty type of princess, but more representative of real little girls, which I like. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Tony Ross was born in London in 1938. His dream was to work with horses but instead he went to art college in Liverpool. Since then, Tony has worked as an art director at an advertising agency, a graphic designer, a cartoonist, a teacher and a film maker -- as well as illustrating over 250 books! |
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