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Rating: five stars.
I have pretty much all the Sight Word Reader books and I love them. They focus on repetitive usage of a few sight words,making it easy for a new reader to learn. If you are teaching your child how to read, these early emergent books are the best. They encourage fast success. My three year old can read them. When my other kids first started learning to read, these are also what I used in the beginning with them. By the time they were 5, they were reading at a first-second grade level. What makes these great (compared to other early reading books) is the repetition of the same sight word(s) throughout the book accompanied by the great illustrations. In my opionion, all the Sight Word Reader books are a must have. My kids and I both love them. I can get my child to read them on their own after just one read through. Talk about immediate success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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