Series / 所属系列: |
The Berenstain Bears
: 著名的贝贝熊系列,畅销40多年,发行2亿多册,影响两代人的绘本,被誉为美国孩子行为教育之父,是真正的把行为、品德教育在生活中的各种小事中得到体现和贯彻、但又很幽默吸引孩子兴趣的图书。
Overview / 简介: |
In this timely First Time Book®, the Berenstains once again prove
they have their paws on the pulse of America! Mama and Papa Bear are stunned
when they receive a letter from Brother Bear's teacher. Even though Brother
Bear sits down diligently every night with an open notebook, he has not
been completing his homework assignments. After taking a closer look, Mama and
Papa realize that there's a whole lot of competition going on for Brother's
attention. He's watching TV, listening to his boom box, talking on the cell
phone, and playing a video game. Join in the fun and learning as the subject of
multimedia distraction is tackled with wit, wisdom, and aplomb.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
When I saw this title on the bookshelf, I thought,"Aha! This would be a good read with a moral and lesson plan for my 5-year old son. Little did I realise that there's a lesson to be learnt from it myself--As parents, we need to go back to the time when we were young and remember that we once were like that too.Occasionally, we too may have traded our grades for more interesting entertainment that the world around us offers.
Mama and Papa Bear had no intention of prying into Brother Bear's schoolbag until a waft of stale food led their noses to the scent. A teacher's note reveals that Brother Bear had too many things vying for his attention and schoolwork was the last thing on his mind.
I like the writer's sense of humour in creating in Bear Country a world similar to our own. For instance, the bears have The Bear Stooges, Game Bear, Bearsmoke, Bear Trek, Bear Revenue Service while we have The Three Stooges, GameBoy, Gunsmoke, Star Strek and Inland Revenue Service.
Both my son and myself enjoy reading this book together and chuckling at the wit and humour of this story. Once again, the Berenstain Bears has certainly made reading pleasurable and fun for my boy.



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