From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Can you imagine spending a freezing cold Antarctic winter outside, with no food for miles around--maybe even a hundred miles? This is what the male emperor penguin does. After his mate has laid her egg, she takes off for the ocean where she swims about, getting plump on squid and fish, while Papa stands around keeping the egg warm for two entire months! Martin Jenkins's remarkable picture book about an extraordinary bird is sure to be an immediate favorite with children of all ages. In a compelling example of truth being stranger than fiction, he tells the story of the unusual habits of this largest of the penguin family (there are 17 kinds!). Jenkins's enthusiastic fascination for this polar phenomenon comes through loud and clear in his changeable font sizes and humorous personal asides ("So that means two whole months with an egg on your feet and no dinner! Or breakfast or lunch or snacks. I don't know about you but I'd be very, very miserable.") Jane Chapman's fantastic, realistic illustrations of the penguins will make readers chuckle, just as they would at the zoo upon seeing the real thing. Don't miss this book--it's wonderful! (Ages 4 to 9) |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This nature book is wonderful as it tells of the story emperor penguin's unique habits at the kids level and in their language. At the same time there are little footnotes which answer most of the 'why' questions from the kids that arise out of the text. ( so parents appear all knowing) The illustrations are beautiful. My daughter was so enthusastic about this book the I wanted to pop on the plane to Edinburgh, Scotland and show my daughter the Emperor penguins in real life. ( I think Antartica in the middle of winter isn't an option). Nevermind, perhaps Jenkins and Chapman will write about the little blue penguins, which are in Boston, next. |




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