Series / 所属系列: |
Overview / 简介: |
It’s only a week until Valentine’s Day, and Lily wants to make the perfect heart-shaped valentine for Mommy. But every time she cuts out a heart, it’s either too pointy, too round, or too skinny. As the days go by, Lily tries again and again, and when Valentine’s Day finally arrives, she has a heart for each day of the week! Which one will be the perfect valentine surprise for Mommy?
Young readers will enjoy this sweet, simple story that introduces the days of the week, as well as the special tradition of creating handmade valentines.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
“The simple text, which teaches shapes and days of the week, is just right for young children, who will recognize their own craft-project frustrations in Lily’s experience. The story is sweet without being sappy, and Alley’s soft, pencil-and-watercolor illustrations add to the warm tone. This cozy story is an excellent choice for a family-oriented Valentine’s Day reading.” —Booklist
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My 3 year old loves this story of a little girl "Lily" who wants so badly to make her mommy a perfect heart-shaped valentine. She tries and tries for a week but each one she cuts out has a problem (too curvy, too pointy, lopsided, etc.). The point of it all is that in her mommy's eyes they are all perfect because they were made with love. And isn't that what a valentine really should be? |






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