Overview / 简介: |
Down on the beach in sunny California live big Jim Cat and Lady Jane with their two furry sons and their two purry daughters. Everything went oh so smoothly for the Malibu Cats 'till along came two little kittens called... THIS ONE 'N' THAT ONE So now their house is filled with love and toys and lots and lots of noise! Twin Kittens can be quite a pawful! It's awfully hard for This One and That One to go to bed when their Mom and Dad are up to all sorts of fun! Lady Jane is baking cookies for Big Jim to take with him when he goes night fishing. The twins can't sleep knowing that Lady Jane will soon be heading down to the beach with a basketful of delicious treats. Is there any way for them to join the party? |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-K?Two pedestrian stories about twin cats named THIS ONE and THAT ONE and their parents, Lady Jane and Big Jim. In Splat, Dad takes care of the youngsters while Mom is shopping. When the kittens can't decide on an art project, he suggests that they paint him. When he falls asleep, they decide to take him up on the offer. Lady Jane returns to find her husband covered in paint from head to toe. In Yum, Lady Jane sends the twins to bed and bakes cookies for her husband to take outside while he fishes. The kittens then sneak downstairs and hide in the picnic basket. When their mother carries the heavy basket down to the beach, the twins surprise their parents with their presence. These stories present some sophisticated ideas that will elude most preschoolers, such as children spoiling their parents' time alone. In both the texts and the flat, one-dimensional artwork, the twins are treated as one identical unit rather than two separate individuals. These books have neither the humor found in Jeffie Gordon's Two Badd Babies (Boyds Mills, 1992), nor the universality of twins who have similarities yet are individuals as found in Holly Keller's Harry and Tuck (Greenwillow, 1993). Consider these titles as celebrity gift-book collectibles?they don't stand on their own merits next to other enduring children's picture books.?Blair Christolon, Prince William Public Library System, Manassas, VA |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My two boys giggled the whole time I was reading this to them. I referred to each of them as This One and That One, which they thought was very funny. A story about cookies, of course, can get any child's attention any time especially at our house. I enjoyed it because I appreciate a story about a family who shares in a lot of fun, laughter and love. A family that doesn't take life too seriously and can see the humor in things. The fact that it's about a family of cats really appealed to my children. A fun read that will be a part of our bedtime routine often. |
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