Series / 所属系列: |
I Love
Overview / 简介: |
Younger readers will love this series of first fact books. Simple text and beautifully detailed images cover children's favorite topics. Ideal for reading and sharing with your child.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
"While scientists learn about dinosaurs from archeological digs, children can learn about dinosaurs of all types from this book... Following descriptions of the dinosaur age and evolution, the reader is alphabetically drawn into the world of dinosaurs. Amazingly, not one letter of the alphabet is skipped. In addition to the wealth of information about each type of dinosaur, Matthews includes 'Dig it!' sidebars with facts about archeologists, fossils, the first dinosaur discovery, and much more. Next to every dinosaur's name are the pronunciation and a black silhouette that help readers visualize the size of that dinosaur in relationship to a person. A number of illustrators were enlisted to create the beautiful, detailed, life-like drawings of the dinosaurs. Each page has a delightful border of dinosaurs along the bottom that further intrigues the reader... This title will become a valuable classroom reference book, as well as a beloved book for many children and junior archeologists."



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