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T. Rex And The Mother's Day Hug  有内页照片
Author:   Grambling, Lois G.
Category: Fiction - Dinosaur  Family  Parent  General 

Barcode: 89434000

ISBN: 9780060531287
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Oooh, T. Rex was eating his breakfast when he suddenly noticed a note on the fridge. "Remember Mother's Day!" When he went to the door after the doorbell rang he found his three friends Diplodocus, Stegosaurus and Iguanodon, all bearing gifts for their mothers. Those dinos were well prepared and the gifts were nicely wrapped."Are you DOING something for your mother again this year? Instead of GETTING her something?" Steg asked. He said he was, but as in years past, he hadn't decided quite what he would do for his Mama. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Mother's Day is coming right up. Mama Rex only ever wanted one thing and that was a hug. One year he decorated the living room. BIG mess! The next year he wallpapered the dining room. Poor Aunt Bertha was papered over and the windows were missing. BIG catastrophe! "A Mother's Day hug would make me very happy, dear!" Hmmmm, he spotted Mama's car out the window. Maybe this year he could DO something that would make her very happy! Oh, no . . . This tale is absolutely darling and fun, fun, funny! The bold colorful art work compliments the humor perfectly. This would be a great read aloud book for circle time and will certainly elicit plenty of giggles. What are YOU going to DO for your mother on Mother's Day? If you are anything like T. Rex maybe you'd just better get something at the store!

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