From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1-Diaz provides wonderful illustrations for a story Brown wrote in the 1940s. Little scarecrow boy longs to accompany his father, old man scarecrow, to the cornfields to frighten the crows. Instead, he has to remain home to grow and to practice the terrible facial expressions his father teaches him. Convinced that he has mastered the six fierce faces, he slips out early one morning and confronts a big black crow in the field. These encounters test the youngster's mettle, but he succeeds in frightening the bird, filling his father with pride. Brown's masterful use of repetition and rhythm creates a fine read-aloud story. The warm watercolor illustrations incorporate straw and patchwork to evoke a Midwest summer day in this sunny coming-of-age story.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
The little scarecrow boy wants badly to go out into the fields and scare the crows, but he's too young and inexperienced and not fierce enough. His father says, "Wait till you grow," but the boy is impatient to try out the six terrible faces that he is taught. Once he learns them, he decides to run away so that he can try out his new skills, but the crow is not afraid as he uses each face in succession, becoming more out of breath as he continues to run after each attempt. Finally, with the sixth and fiercest face - success! His father arrives just in time to proudly see him scare the crow away and the scarecrow boy becomes the fiercest scarecrow in the world.
The close up illustrations of the scarecrow boy's face when he's scaring seem disproportionately large (similar in magnitude to the smiling face on the cover), although it allows the reader to better distinguish between the six degrees of scary faces. |




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