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Curious George
: 猴子本就好奇心强、淘气,这只尤其淘气的小猴子 George, 无论走到哪里就惹祸到哪里,越是想帮忙越帮倒忙,最后又都能变坏事为好事!每本书都让孩子捧腹,不认识英文的,只看图也会让孩子笑翻天!
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
"Curious George Visits the Library" is, as the title page notes, "Illustrated in the Style of H.A. Rey" by Martha Weston. In this tale, George--"a good little monkey and always very curious"--visits the public library with his friend, the man in the yellow hat. Chaos ensues as George frolics through the library, but it all ends happily.
Curious George is an enduring cultural icon, and this book is an enjoyable addition to his adventures. He's a cute and likeable character, and despite his disruptive antics, his love of books makes him admirable. Although mischievous, he is never malicious, and his attitude throughout is positive. Weston creates a nice portrait of a multiethnic community at the public library. Her illustrations are full of clever visual touches and entertaining details. If you're a fan of the curious monkey, don't miss this book.








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