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Caillou: Watches Rosie  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Johnson, Marion
Category: Fiction - Family  Sibling  Experience 

Barcode: 88107950

ISBN: 9782894506356
Pages: 20
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 4.95
价值: ¥50
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥10,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Caillou :  孩子成长中要经历各种各样的事情,第一次经历总是很有些期待、激动、担心、有时甚至忐忑不安。去买蛋糕、去滑冰、去图书馆、去幼儿园、去购物、去看游行、去玩游戏、去看牙、去打针......, 总能找到和孩子相似经历的 Cailou 绘本,保证孩子喜欢。遵守规则、学习与人交往的技巧、缓解对未知的恐惧,都是这套绘本能够带给孩子们的.

Overview / 简介:
Adapted from the popular Caillou television series, these educational stories teach children how to cope in a variety of common situations. Each book includes a unique, full-color poster.

When Mommy asks Caillou to look after his little sister Rosie, he realizes it's not always easy being the big brother.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Having just broken the 200 mark for Amazon reviews, I'll now turn my attention to a book from the much-maligned, sadly ignored, massively underrated "Caillou" series. "Caillou Watches Rosie" is directly based on a story from the "Caillou" TV series. In this story, Caillou is asked to look after his little sister Rosie because his Mommy wants to take a nap. This means that they have to play quietly. Caillou tries to interest Rosie in coloring some pictures, but when Rosie creates a mess, Caillou tries to stop her and ends up waking up Mommy. Caillou learns that it can be hard to be a big brother at times, but it can be worth it. There is a little whining/crying from Caillou, but hey, he's still learning. The illustrations look a lot like the TV series, but are somewhat more brightly and richly colored. Many of them are also full page. This book also includes a "good habits" calendar that will help kids to keep track of things such as putting away toys or brushing teeth.

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