Overview / 简介: |
Stanley, who loves sharks and knows all about them, fantasizes about having one for a pet and considers all the things he would need to feed and take care of it.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Striking an uneasy balance of jokes and science, this quirky volume introduces Stanley, a large-headed cartoon character who loves critters of all kindsD"He even loves SHARKS!" Noting that the boy "learns a lot" about sharks from Dennis, his pet goldfish, British author Griff interjects some cursory information on the physical features, behavior and varieties of sharks on bulletin board-like spreads, while additional spreads feature stylized artwork with nonsensical fantasies of what it would entail for Stanley to have a shark as a pet. The boy compares the needs of sharks to those of goldfish: one illustration shows Stanley taking Dennis on the bus in a water-filled baggie; the next shows a crane lifting a shark to transport it home. An accompanying CD-ROM, tucked into the front cover, offers a screen saver featuring Dennis swimming around in his bowl (but, curiously, no shark), a pair of passable interactive games and facts about sharks that duplicate the text of the book. The disc, too, comes up short: its gateway imageDa silhouette of Stanley's houseDgives kids the option of entering only one of the four rooms; a click on the other spaces brings up the statement that these will be "available with future titles." Given the package's disappointments, readers may not stick around to sample subsequent releases featuring Stanley. Though Griff infuses his pictures and text with doses of humor, he includes too little substance and too much filler to satisfy children interested in learning about sharks. Ages 4-7. (May)
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This was in our first order from Amazon and because my son loves sharks it seemed like a good choice and it was. This book had small little facts with humor and a great story. My son has often asked if he could have a pet shark and this story was about a little boy who wondered the same thing. In the end he learns the truth about owning one and how he gets there is great. This is one of those rare little boy books that apeals to their sense of danger and need for anything that grosses out or horrifies their little sister. My son's favorite part was when the shark was in Stanley's house and then his friends were going to have to join him too. I would recomend this book it is fun and your kids would enjoy it. |



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