Series / 所属系列: |
Gilbert And Friends
Overview / 简介: |
DeGroat's latest clever caper starring Gilbert the opossum (Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink) finds the fellow on an overnight trip to Camp Hi-Dee-Ho. He stoically refuses to pack his teddy ("Sleep-away camp is for big kids") and puts up a brave front when big-mouth fellow camper Lewis trots out some typical camp-related taunts, announcing that a ghost haunts Hi-Dee-Ho and calling the lemonade "bug juice." Around the campfire, after an older kid relates the tale of the alleged ghost, Lewis sneaks up on Gilbert and scares him with a loud "BOO!" In the cabin after lights-out, the hero tightly hugs his teddy (which his mother has slipped into his sleeping bag). DeGroat suspensefully prolongs a nighttime trip to the outdoor bathroom along a dark path lined with threatening-looking trees and, in a signature twist, Gilbert gets a chance to give Lewis his comeuppance. Numerous droll particulars, including Gilbert's Martian-and-spaceship-patterned pajamas and the likable lad's hyperbolic facial expressions will keep readers coming back for more. Those anticipating with or without some anxiety an inaugural camp experience especially will revel in this realistic yet reassuring visit to Hi-Dee-Ho. Ages 5-8 |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Kindergarten-Grade 2-Gilbert and his friends are back for another cozy adventure, this time on an overnight camping trip. DeGroat's text flows well, carrying the kids from their long bus ride to the campground, through a busy afternoon of activities (quickly summarized) to the real focus of the story: a campfire ghost-story session, with the resulting middle-of-the-night frights and a humorous resolution. The events are believable, and even a bit predictable, but amusing enough to be enjoyable, too. Best of all, Lewis, who enjoys teasing Gilbert, turns out to be more vulnerable than he pretends, while Gilbert gets to take some very gentle revenge. DeGroat's familiar animal cast displays decidedly kidlike characteristics, captured in her watercolor illustrations as well as through conversations and behavior. Their furry faces express anticipation and pleasure as well as worry and fear. Even the illustrations of the setting add to the atmosphere with spooky-looking faces discernible on tree trunks while bright fireflies glimmer mysteriously in the dark. Whether they're already fans or new to the series, young listeners will enjoy this mildly spooky, decidedly satisfying overnight expedition.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Gilbert is a fuzzy critter- -perhaps a possum. One summer, his parents send him off to an overnight at camp. Gilbert is very excited about playing with the big kids at camp, but the big kids tell a ghost story around the campfire, which makes Gilbert very scared. Younger kids may find the book a little scary, but 4 to 6 year olds may find it quite engaging. The book has about 850 words. |





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