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 Book Details...

Show Me Your Smile!(Dora系列,最受欢迎的系列童书之一)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Ricci, Christine
Category: Fiction - Experience 

Barcode: 81005420

ISBN: 9780857074331
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Dora the Explorer :  朵拉探险系列,著名电视动画片,被认为迄今为止美国最成功的幼儿电视动画片,国内有引进的动画片以及双语书,而且卫星的卫星电视中 Nickelodeon 频道有此动画片。丰富有趣的知识、活泼好玩的游戏、乐于助人的朋友,整个系列很受孩子喜欢。Nickelodeon 频道也有本馆收藏的其他系列书的动画片:SpongeBob Squarepants、Yo Gabba Gabba、Go Diego Go!、Blue's Clues 等。

Overview / 简介:
It's time for Dora's checkup at the dentist. Dora explores the dentist's office, gets her teeth cleaned, and more! She even gets a special treat for being such a good patient!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My son hasn't visited a dentist yet, and he was quite afraid of the prospect. Thanks to Show Me Your Smile!: A Visit to the Dentist, he's not nearly as anxious. This book follows Dora and her Mom as she goes to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned. The beginning of the story shows Dora in a waiting room playing among other children as they wait for the dental assistant to call their name. Once inside the dentist's room, Dora points out the chair and the light--explaining the purpose they serve. Dora then explains the process of taking an X-ray...and how the assistant will take a picture of her teeth to make sure they're healthy. She even describes how the assistant covers her with a heavy apron. Once the X-ray is taken, Dora points out some pictures on the wall...and on the next page are black-and-white X-rays corresponding to the pictures (so children can match the X-ray with the character). The dentist comes in the room, and Dora explains the different instruments on the tray (such as the mirror, floss, dental pick, and so on.). Dora explains how the dentist cleaned her teeth and relates the hygienic advice given ("brush after breakfast and again before bedtime"). The dentist finds a cavity on the X-ray, and shows Dora the hole in the tooth (my son balks at this part). Dora explains that there's a "tool" that gets her tooth ready for the filling...and that it makes a "whirring" sound. (The "tool" is, of course, a drill. And not wanting to scare the child, they don't explain that they may have to get a shot to numb it...and that drilling sometimes causes discomfort.) Dora receives a new toothbrush and a sticker--and even Swiper the fox makes an appearance (his appointment is after Dora's). Understandably, a children's book can't get into the gory details of a visit to the dentist...but at least a book like Show Me Your Smile! will help make the first visit seem less threatening. This book also shows the importance of dental hygiene and why it's important for a child to brush and floss their teeth.

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天蓝蓝: 现在是我们的偶像昂     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/12/24 13:43:00
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且走且珍惜: 让小朋友勇敢面对医生的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/9/16 14:21:00

看到封面,我就问dora是在哪里呀?女儿说是在医院,有医生阿姨,咦,dora手里还拿着牙刷和星星在干什么呢?这就开始我们的阅读了,妈妈牵着dora的手是要到哪里呀?女儿说是去看牙医,因为那个门上有个牙齿,我们很早以前也一起看过《鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕》,所以女儿多少有些印象。可是到了牙医诊所,里面有好多人哦,看来要排队才行,所以看看大家排队无聊的时候干什么?女儿说dora在画画,我说对的,而且她还要给画涂颜色呢,你找找crayons蜡笔在哪里?女儿兴奋地眼睛滴溜溜地转,让她找到了,可开心了,一会儿说要用purple,一会儿说要用green,一会儿说要yellow,我说啊?yellow,那这颗牙齿肯定是没有刷牙,牙齿都变黄了。女儿又说要不black吧,我说啊?那牙齿的主人肯定是吃了太多的candy,牙齿蛀牙了,都黑黑的。接着我们一起看看诊所里有什么东西呢?有躺椅,可以go up and down,我指着漱口台问女儿这是什么?女儿说是洗手间,估计在洗手间也看到过类似的。医生助手要给dora的牙齿拍x光片,哪张片子是dora的呢?女儿可以找出dora/boots/tico等各个对应的x光片!真棒!看牙齿的时候,要open your mouth! open wide!女儿很乖巧地也把嘴巴张大给我看。医生还教dora怎么刷牙,要上下左右都要刷,吃早餐后睡觉前都要刷牙。哎呀,不好,dora的有课牙齿有个hole洞洞,医生要给她补牙,还要用牙线给她刷刷牙缝里的东西,把牙清洗干净。dora表现得可真勇敢,也没有哭闹,所以医生要奖励toothbrush和sticker给dora,女儿也找到了dora喜欢的紫色牙刷和星星粘纸。小心哦,swiper又要来捣蛋了,要抢dora得东西,我们要一起说“swiper, no swiping!",swiper如果要奖励,自己也要表现好哦,因为下一个就轮到他看牙了!

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