Series / 所属系列: |
Scholastic Reader
: Scholastic 出版的分级读物,被美国最多的小学老师采用作为学生课堂阅读的图书。
Magic School Bus
: 因为国内有引进版而大大有名的神奇校车系列,由 Scholastic 出版,每本 32 页,通过一系列充满想象力的神奇经历,在吸引孩子兴趣的同时丰富知识。这个系列图书也是小学用来训练阅读流利性的常用教材,有的书后附有15或者20个生词的表,孩子可以练习在一分钟内全部读出这些词:read it, read it again, read it faster! 另有一些书附有与主题相关的知识。每本书也附有对家长、老师的指导。
Overview / 简介: |
Ms. Frizzle's class is learning about birds. They want to see a real nest, so Ms. Frizzle says it's time for a field trip. The kids get on the Magic School Bus, and pay a visit to a real robin's nest! But then Carlos gets a little too close to some baby birds. It's the Magic School Bus to the rescue! Take off with Ms. Frizzle's class and find out all about birds in spring. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Author Joanna Cole and illustrator Bruce Degen make learning a spirited joyride, delighting young audiences with their fantastic journeys to the eye of a hurricane, the bottom of the ocean, and the center of the earth, to name just a few. Author and illustrator have said they were each inspired by an important teacher in their classroom days - very much like Ms. Frizzle! There are now more than 58 million Magic School Bus books in print, in a variety of formats, plus a wildly successful animated television series. Called "a can't-miss team" by School Library Journal, Cole and Degen live in Florida and Connecticut, respectively. For more information about Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen, visit: |





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