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The Bald Bandit  有 mp3
Author:   Roy, Ron
Category: Fiction - Action  Boys  Girls  Mysteries 

Barcode: 62223027

ISBN: 9780679884491
Pages: 74
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
A to Z Mysteries :  喜欢侦探小说吗?喜欢福尔摩斯吗?喜欢去从纷乱的线索中找出答案吗?这个系列就是一个难度不大的合适的初级 Chapter Book.

Overview / 简介:
B is for Bandit... The Green Lawn Savings Bank has been robbed! When a

private detective comes to Dink's door looking for the kid who videotaped the

crime, Dink and his friends volunteer to find him. After all, there's a reward!

But tracking down one red-headed kid isn't so easy, especially if he doesn't

want to be found. Can the trio find that kid--and his tape--before the bandit


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2-4?Third graders Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are getting ready for Halloween when they are approached by a man claiming to be a private detective. He enlists their help in recovering the videotape of a bank robbery. The bandit is described as a tall, red-haired high school boy. The three friends search for information as they go trick-or-treating and locate Lucky O'Leary, who fits the profile, but claims to be innocent. In fact, the robber on the video bears a striking resemblance to the supposed detective. Second in the series, this short, snappy Halloween story is full of funny incidents. The black-and-white drawings add to the fun. A good early chapter book that will be equally useful with remedial readers.?Elaine E. Knight, Lincoln Elementary Schools, IL

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I read a book called The Bald Bandit by Ron Roy. It's about a bandit who robs the Green Lawn Savings Bank. The three detectives (Dink, Josh, Ruth Rose) solved the mystery. When a private detective named Reddy came to look for the videotape the three detectives decided to help him. Reddy said if they found the videotape they would earn a hundred bucks. My favorite part of the book was when Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose got the videotape and they watched the tape and they noticed it was Reddy who robbed the bank. When Reddy was at Dink's house ready to get the video, Dink hid it and gave him a tape of soccer. Ruth Rose sneaks into her house and calls the police. I think the thief was pretty smart. I think the book was a perfect fit for me because I love reading mystery books. When I read this book at home I can't stop reading it until I finish.

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