From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1—The over-the-top humor of Jake Stays Awake (Feiwel & Friends, 2007) continues as Jake begins school. He and his pushover parents end up spending the first day of school trying to share tiny chairs, seesaw rides, and even a tricycle, since Jake will not let go of Mom and Dad. He finally relaxes when the teacher reads a story about a dog named Fred. "I have a dog. His name is Fred," Jake says. Fears forgotten, he walks to the front of the room and holds the book for his teacher. The computer-generated cartoon illustrations are full of unusual angles and bug-eyed, bullet-headed people. The sing-songy rhyming text describes Jake's actions (including passing gas) but never really makes clear why he's so terrified. The story might seem funny to parents or to older children, but is unlikely to reassure the target audience of kids who are just starting school |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This book is clever and fun for the parents as well as the kids. The story is surprising and funny and the illustrations in this book are totally unique and will make you want to laugh out loud all on their own. An excellent choice to help children that are about to start school - but if your kids are not starting school, get this book anyway! It's one of my kid's favorites and it's a truly fun book. |

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