Overview / 简介: |
First the reindeer rebelled--now it's the elves' turn! This fun follow-up to The Great Reindeer Rebellion is as over-the-top entertaining as its forerunner. 'Tis the month before Christmas, and things aren't great. The elves are complaining, “We're all running late!” The candy-cane twister needs major repairs; there's not enough cotton to stuff the toy bears. The North Pole's in trouble: Santa MUST find out why.
Told in fun rhyme and featuring embossed, spot-glossed pages, this holiday-bright book takes kids on an undercover mission with Santa himself--and gives them an inside peek at what REALLY goes on in the elves' workshop. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreS-Gr 3-A versified look at trouble at the North Pole as pre-Christmas stress causes everyone to lose sight of the joys and fun of the season. Santa discovers that the elves are working so hard that they aren't having fun; the solution is to stretch the hours in the days and tell jokes while working. Shiny digital cartoon illustrations are full of action and primitive detail but, like the text, are working too hard to be either humorous or appealing. The message is heavy-handed and the story lacks the joy it intends to convey. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Kim Norman's children's books have been published by Dial, Dutton, Sterling and Scholastic. Her books have been well-reviewed in publications such as the New York Times and Publishers Weekly, and have been distributed in Scholastic Book Fairs and take-home Club fliers. Kim has built a national reputation as a school presenter, having done author visits in more than a hundred schools around the country.
Kim is an actress and singer, and has been known to practice her time step in a grocery line. Her books often feature animals, which were a big part of her childhood. Family pets included unusual critters such as a squirrel, an iguana and a raccoon named Danny.
She lives in Smithfield, Virginia, with the REAL Crocodaddy (her husband of more than 25 years.) They're the parents of two grown sons and the grandparents of one very large, shaggy Newfoundland. www.kimnormanbooks.com
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