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In the Tall, Tall Grass(波士顿环球报号角图书奖获奖绘本)  有书评 有内页照片  可点读
Author:   Fleming, Denise
Category: Fiction - Animals  Award  AwardWinner  Language  Nature  Science  可点读

Barcode: 88775197

ISBN: 9780805039412
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 7.99
价值: ¥80
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥16,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Singling out the "array of vibrant verbs and boisterous onomatopeia" and the "kaleidoscope effect" of the textured paper collages, PW called Caldecott Honor artist Fleming's caterpillar safari "ideal for sharing with young explorers." Ages 2-6.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is my son's favorite book. The age range for this book says 4 & up, but my 2 year old just loves it. The illustrations are magnificent. My son & his day care class love to get involved and make the sounds that are in the tall, tall grass. Highly recommend!

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感谢D-甜溜溜提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

感谢D-甜溜溜提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

感谢D-甜溜溜提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

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