Overview / 简介: |
A caterpillar's accidental journey to strange places. One day Mr. Caterpillar was taking a walk, bit by bit by bit by bit. He was having fun swaying to and fro on a leaf when, without warning, whoosh, a gust of wind blew him off.
Poor Mr. Caterpillar shut his eyes, expecting the worst, but suddenly found himself sitting on something firm. It was a man's hat. The man went on his way until he met someone he knew. He tipped his hat in greeting and, whoosh, Mr. Caterpillar slipped off, right onto a lady's shoulder.
So begins a grand and remarkable adventure in which Mr. Caterpillar takes a train ride and narrowly escapes a very threatening big black leather shoe. The book's hero ultimately gets taken home and placed safely into a backyard tree. Adding to the story's enjoyment are exuberant illustrations and the text's bouncy cadence, which offers an irresistible invitation to be read aloud.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Charmer... lilting prose is well matched by watercolors that seem to roll off the pages with their own bright rhythm. (Susan Perren Globe and Mail 20050910) |



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