Series / 所属系列: |
DK Readers
: 极精美的照片、神奇隐秘的世界或者深深吸引着孩子,兼顾知识性和趣味性的著名的 DK Readers 系列读物,以 Stunning photographs combine with lily illustrations andengaging age-appropriate stories 为特色,深得美国孩子、老师、家长的喜爱,系列书也是美国小学的常用阅读教材。
Overview / 简介: |
A visit to a farm by a group of young children includes looking at baby animals and seeing animals feeding.
DK Readers is a multi-level learning-to-read program combining DK's highly visual style with appealing stories at four graduated levels. Stunning photographs and engaging, age-appropriate stories are guaranteed to capture a child's interest while developing reading skills and general knowledge. DK Readers allow progression from stories for beginning readers with simple sentences and word repetition through to stories with rich vocabulary and more challenging sentence structure for proficient readers. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Fierce or friendly, wild or domesticated-the animals that populate this board book bestiary look either awe-inspiring or just plain adorable. Illustrated with gloriously sharp, vivid color photographs, each volume appears in a child-friendly small format, diecut in the shape of the head of the creature that graces its cover. Inside, animals and their cute-as-a-button offspring waddle, cluck, sniff, romp and tumble. A few short sentences on each page offer zoological fundamentals ("Dogs have a better sense of smell than you or I") and simple captions ("Hungry piglets drink their mother's milk"). Catnip for new and dyed-in-the-wool fans of the furred and feathered. Ages 2-5. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
I bought this book a couple of months ago for our daughter,Rachel, who is now almost 10 months old. She has enjoyed it every read. The animal photos and the text, which allows you to read the sound each animal makes, never fails to bring a smile or a giggle. It is very durable, she has gotten it into her mouth a couple of times ,and its held up well. It is a delightful book. |



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