Series / 所属系列: |
Scholastic Reader
: Scholastic 出版的分级读物,被美国最多的小学老师采用作为学生课堂阅读的图书。
I Spy
: I Spy 视觉大发现系列,国内有引进版
Overview / 简介: |
I SPY something new for Spring! Young I SPY readers will want to start the Spring with I SPY AN EGG IN A NEST. New easy-to-read text by Jean Marzollo is paired with Walter Wick's amazing photographs from previous I SPY books to create a fun-filled Spring search-and-find. Also includes I SPY activity pages.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Like Marzollo and Wick’s earlier titles for the Scholastic Reader (Level 1) series, this book targets beginning readers, presenting seek-and-find games based on photos from the large-format I Spy picture books. In the first section, double-page spreads pair short rhymes and four photos of individual objects with larger scenes that include those objects along with many others. In the second section, each page challenges readers to find two matching words among three choices, based on initial letters, ending letters, or rhyming sounds. Sharpening children’s visual discrimination and concentration, this colorful book offers a playful approach to reading skills. Grades K-2. --Carolyn Phelan |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My 5 year old daughter LOVES these books. She isn't reading yet, but these are great starters as they have images next to the words of the objects you're searching for in the picture. These keep her entertained for hours (and years), they've been well worth their price. I highly recommend these books to early readers. |



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