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My Weird School #11: Mrs. Kormel Is Not Normal!
Author:   Gutman, Dan
Category: Fiction - School 

Barcode: 68083434

ISBN: 9780060822293
Pages: 112
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 5.99
价值: ¥60
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥12,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
My Weird School

Overview / 简介:
Something weird is going on!

First the school bus gets a flat tire, and then Mrs. Kormel is totally lost in the middle of nowhere! Mrs. Kormel is the weirdest bus driver in the history of the world, and she's driving everyone crazy!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I am all for books that are cool enough for young boys to read on their own - heck - we have every Capt. Underpants book in creation... but I was a little turned off by the text in this book. In the first few chapters alone, there were lots of "I hate her" and "She is stupid", "She is dumb", etc, etc. I'm not a total prude about these words - but the reading level of this book strikes me as "early 2nd grade"- meaning that this book is most likely to be read by 1st and 2nd graders. The negativity seemed a bit excessive to me. Also - it's one thing to think your school is weird, but the main character AJ goes into some detail about why he HATES school, talks about how mean the fifth graders are, and accuses another child of being a "brown-noser". (Try explaining brown-nosing to your 7 year old.) I just felt that it was generally a bit negative for the 1st and 2nd graders - most of whom still really like school, or you at least WANT them to like school at that age. Let's not tarnish their idealism already! Even Capt. Underpants is pretty upbeat and optimistic throughout its potty humor. I would not necessarily have minded all the "hate", "stupid", and "dumb" comments had my son been a few years older, at least in 3rd or 4th grade - but really, the reading level is not that high, and by age 9 or 10,there are much better books for them to be reading. Otherwise, I agree with the other reviewers that the book is a quick read, and humorous .. but not necessarily the kind of jaded humor that I felt like a 1st grader needed to read (nor did he really enjoy that type of humor).

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Dan Gutman is the author of the Baseball Card Adventure series, which has sold more than one and a half million copies, and the My Weird School series, which has sold more than 5.5 million copies! Thanks to his many fans who voted in their classrooms, he has received fifteen state book awards and thirty-eight state book award nominations. Dan Gutman lives in Haddonfield, New Jersey, with his wife, Nina, and their two children, Sam and Emma.

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