Series / 所属系列: |
Overview / 简介: |
Zoe zips and zooms around the gym. She's on and off the mats, over and under the bar! She's the greatest--in gymnastics and at demonstrating opposites. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Kindergarten-Grade 2-A simple rhyming story that illustrates the concept of opposites. The book is narrated by Zoe, a joyful, red-cheeked young lady brimming with self confidence as she executes gymnast routines demonstrating inside and outside, over and under, etc., before an admiring audience. The rhymes are sometimes clever and sometimes forced, but they serve their purpose. The bright, colorful pictures succeed admirably. Only occasionally, such as with high and low on the balance beam, is it difficult to see what is being demonstrated. Boldface print and varied type size reinforce the concepts. The book ends with a list of related titles, including Bruce McMillan's Becca Backward, Becca Frontward (Lothrop, 1986; o.p.) and Tana Hoban's Exactly the Opposite (Greenwillow, 1990), both of which have photographs. Libraries owning those titles may not need yet another one, but where a somewhat lighter instructional touch is needed, this will fit the bill nicely.
Linda Greengrass, Bank Street College Library, New York City
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
There's something quite spellbinding about this book about Zoe, "The Greatest Gymnast of All." The illustrations are colorful and energetic. The text (with simple demonstrations of opposites) is rollicking fun: "On and off, short and long. I do it all 'cause I'm so strong. I'm zipping, zooming Zoe." My 2 1/2-year-old daughter wants this one again and again. She even mimics the actions of the young gymnast as she rolls and flips. This book is a big winner at our house. |



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