Series / 所属系列: |
A Classic Harry and the Dinosaurs Story
Overview / 简介: |
Harry finds some old dinosaurs in his Grandma’s attic. He cleans them up and makes them his own, carefully (and accurately) naming each one. Harry and his dinosaurs go everywhere together. But one day, after an exciting train ride, Harry accidentally leaves the dinosaurs on the train. Silly, charming illustrations accompany this whimsical text of a child being a child. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This first book of Harry and the Bucket full of dinosaurs was really cute. He found a box of dinosaurs in the attic. He cleaned them and repaired them. He was moved to research the names of each dinosaur. He took very good care of them and they went everywhere with him. One day on an exciting trip with his grandma on a train he forgot them and they were left behind on the train. His gran bought him a video to take their place. But that couldn't replace them. He is inconsolable. Finally Gran takes him to the train station to check the lost and found. Harry has to prove they are his by naming them, which he does. His dinosaurs are happy to see him and they whisper to him "You are definitely our Harry, definitely!"
We got two more of the series but they didn't have the same charm. It could be they are for younger kids. My boy is 4. They were ok but never his favorites. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Ian Whybrow is a bestselling author of over a hundred books who is proud to have been listed as one of the top ten most-read writers in UK libraries. Among his most popular characters are the hugely successful Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs, the barking mad Sniff and the much-loved Little Wolf. |
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