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Owl at Home  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Lobel, Arnold
Category: Level Reading-3  Fiction - Social  Freind  Humorous 

Barcode: 68055479

ISBN: 9780064440349
Pages: 64
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
I Can Read :  Harper Collins 出版的分级读物,每本书 32-64 页不等,比较长的书包含不只一个故事。在有趣的故事吸引孩子读下去,从中通过大量的重复达到熟练掌握的目的。这套书和其他分级读物的一个主要区别是,文字以及插图作者大多为有名的儿童作家及画家,因此虽为分级读物但故事性、图画均水平很高,很多还出版了带有 CD 的版本,广受好评。其中的Frog and Toad, Little Bear, Amelia Bedelia 更是大名在外。这套书是美国很多小学的阅读教材,包括小安妮回国后的外教班,就是在安妮鲜花博客中的博文《美国老师如何引导孩子读绘本》中提到的那个专为小海归办的、和美国孩子同步学习的外教班,也选用了这套书中一些作为阅读教材。

Overview / 简介:
Welcome to Owl's cozy home. Owl lives by himself in a warm little house. One evening he invites Winter to sit by the fire. Another time he finds strange bumps in his bedroom. And when Owl goes for a walk one night, he makes a friend that follows him all the way home.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Owl's adventures with The Guest, Strange Bumps, Tear-Water Tea, Up stairs & Downstairs & The Moon are passionate & dramatic. Tear-Water Tea is my favorite & my children would beg me to read this one over & over again. Tear-Water Tea is a bitter-sweet brew. This little book & the friendly, affectionate Owl were one of my children's best friends in their early years. They loved the ideas of looking at life the way Owl does, they blink in anticipation as the stories gather speed & they hoot with laughter at Owl's take on life, then they snuggled with satisfaction when it's all done & we've talked about it...

About the Author / 作者介绍:
During his distinguished career Arnold Lobel wrote and/or illustrated over 70 books for children. To his illustrating credit, he had a Caldecott Medal book -- Fables (1981) -- and two Caldecott Honor Books-his own Frog and Toad are Friends (1971) and Hildilid's Night by Cheli Duran Ryan (1972). To his writing credit, he had a Newbery Honor Book -- Frog and Toad Together (1973). But to his greatest credit, he had a following of literally millions of young children with whom he shared the warmth and humor of his unpretentious vision of life. Though he was a born storyteller -- he began making up stories extemporaneously to entertain his fellow second-graders in Schenectady, New York, where he grew up in the care of his grandparents. Mr. Lobel called himself a "lucky amateur" in terms of his writing. Viewing himself as a professionally trained illustrator (he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Pratt Institute), he said, "I know how to draw pictures. With writing, I don't really know what I'm doing. It's very intuitive." In addition to the Frog and Toad books, Owl at Home, Mouse Tales, The Book of Pigericks, and many other popular books he created, Mr. Lobel also illustrated other writers' texts that captured his fancy. He viewed this as "something different and challenging." Often his illustrations for those books showed a different aspect of his personality and his artistic expertise, ranging from his meticulous dinosaurs in Dinosaur Time by Peggy Parish to his chilling pen-and-ink drawings in Nightmares: Poems to Trouble Your Sleep by Jack Prelutsky, about which Booklist wrote, "Young readers will be amazed that the gentle Lobel of Frog and Toad fame can be so comfortably diabolic." In 1977 Mr. Lobel and his wife, Anita, a distinguished children's book author and artist in her own right, collaborated on their first book, How the Rooster Saved the Day, chosen by School Library Journal as one of the Best Books of the Year, 1977. They then collaborated on three more books, A Treeful of Pigs, a 1979 ALA Notable Book; On Market Street, a 1982 Caldecott Honor Book; and The Rose in My Garden, a 1984 Boston Globe/Horn Book Honor Book. Arnold Lobel died in 1987.

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福宝贝奇祺: arnold noble的每一本书都是那样吸引孩子     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/10/24 14:06:00
和frog and toad系列的书一个作者,可想而知是多么地fun!每一个小故事中的OWL都是那么可爱:在寒冷的冬天邀请wind来家做客的OWL;想要喝一杯眼泪茶而拼命想起各种各样值得流泪的故事的OWL;想要同时在楼上和楼下而拼命奔跑的OWL;不能忍受被子的脚头有两个BUMP的OWL;真诚感谢月亮当它的好朋友的OWL。
0 顶.  
可可妈: 可笑的OWL     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/11/9 15:07:00
一边读,一边儿子不断对我说,要是我同学知道我在看这样弱智的书,一定笑死我了。看来儿子是的的确确长大了,觉得Owl 实在是太可笑了。
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心灵的天空: 孩子很喜欢     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/4/24 9:52:00
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daniel妈咪2015: 孩子自己读的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2016/4/15 18:31:00
和青蛙和蟾蜍一个作者 个人感觉没有前者有趣 不过孩子还算喜欢 页码多 字多 不难 可以自己读 故事也有很多笑点
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