Series / 所属系列: |
How Do Dinosaurs
Overview / 简介: |
不过,在这本书中的恐龙们却不是这样子的喔!它们不但会细嚼慢咽,各种食物都愿意尝试看看,坐姿端正,最棒的是,它们在用餐过后,还会感谢辛苦作菜的爸妈! Jane Yolen和Mark Teague这两位恐龙专家又一力作!孩子们借着最感兴趣的各种恐龙,来学习一般的餐桌及用餐的礼仪,并养成不挑食的好习惯哦!
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
How does a dinosaur eat all his food? Does he burp, does he belch, or make noises quite rude? All of these questions, and more, are asked in How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? by Jane Yolen. The book rhymes its way through a variety of ill-behaved dinosaurs in various settings using bright, colorful illustrations to show the many ways that dinosaurs can make a mess with their meals. Each page asks a silly question of how a dinosaur would eat a meal and you may be surprised by the answers provided in the second half of the book. Teague's illustrations, which are big and colorful, add the necessary humor to make sure the story holds the children's attention to give the message of the importance of good manners. Another nice part of the illustrations is that they show a new dinosaur on each page and label it somewhere in the picture. Young children will absolutely love the different mealtime disasters the dinosaurs create: from the throwing of food to sticking beans up their nose. Older children will be humorously reminded of younger siblings and the troubles parents have with getting them to eat nicely. Parents will appreciate the overall message that even dinosaurs eat properly and with manners. Yes, dinosaurs use their good manners when they eat and reading this book will help your own little dinosaurs learn the importance of using theirs. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Jane Yolen is the beloved author of more than four hundred books for children and adults, including award-winning picture books, fiction, and poetry. Her How Do Dinosaurs books have sold millions of copies and are international bestsellers. She regularly travels the globe speaking and teaching. Jane lives in Western Massachusetts with her children and grandchildren, and she also lives in St. Andrews, Scotland. You can also visit her at Mark Teague is an award-winning children's book author and illustrator whose books include the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling How Do Dinosaurs... series, the LaRue series, FIREHOUSE!, FUNNY FARM, and many other humorous picture books. Mark lives in New York state with his wife and their two daughters. |



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