Series / 所属系列: |
Peppa Pig
Overview / 简介: |
Fun at the Fair is a delightful storybook based on the award-winning television character Peppa Pig. Roll up! Roll up! Today, Peppa, George and their family are going on a day out to the funfair. Will Mummy Pig win an enormous teddy bear and will Daddy Pig be scared of the helter-skelter? Discover what happens in this delightful Peppa Pig storybook. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
孩子很喜欢。故事很生活化,比较简单,孩子能看下去,有些词不懂可以猜猜看,有些乐趣。不需要家长指导着看,可以锻炼孩子自我阅读能力。 |
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