Overview / 简介: |
PreSchool-Grade 2 一个把自己用红色棉衣裹得厚厚的,戴着条纹围巾,戴着蓝手套的小女孩,在雪地上看到一串很奇怪的脚印,她想知道是谁的脚印,于是就跟着这个脚印经过院子,沿着池溏,走过满是雪的小桥,穿过森林,最后却走到自己家了。哦,原来是昨天她自己走的呀!柔美的文章大声读出来,小家伙们也会跟着你读的。 颜色鲜艳的绘画展现了一个亚洲小女孩在她安全世界的探险,只是因为下了一场美丽的雪。孩子们下雪后的冒险行动就是,幻想一个小天使或者是从一个小山上滑下来。下雪后你有发现什么有趣或是奇怪的事情吗?跟大家一起分享吧!!
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 2-A little girl bundled in her red coat, striped scarf, and blue mittens follows mysterious tracks in the snow, wondering who made them. She goes out across the yard, along a frozen pond, over a snowy bridge, and into the woods. Ultimately, the trail leads her home and she realizes that she made the mystery tracks the day before. The gentle, rhyming text makes an ideal read-aloud, and young listeners will chime in on the repeated phrases. The soft-focus, colored-pencil illustrations portray a small Asian girl exploring her safe world, but a world transformed by the fresh snowfall. The child happily makes angels in the snow and slides down a small hill on her adventure. The cozy ending, complete with tea and cookies in a snug, warm kitchen, completes this tender celebration of the season.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Reminiscent of A Snowy Day, an Asian American girl enjoys a day exploring nature in winter. Told in simple rhyme and illustrated with soft and fuzzy "prismacolors on Arches watercolor paper". |





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