Series / 所属系列: |
Disney Princess
: 迪斯尼的公主系列,是每个4-10岁女孩子的最爱。白雪公主、灰姑娘、美人鱼、睡美人、青蛙王子...,包含各种难度级别的,有的书还有各种公主的贴画
Overview / 简介: |
The evil Maleficent has cast a spell on the lovely Princess Aurora. Can three good fairies and a handsome prince rescue her? |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Walt Disney?s Sleeping Beauty Read-Aloud storybook is one of the best I?ve seen. We tried a shorter version that only contained the disastrous surprise birthday party for Briar Rose given by the three fairies. It?s cute, but too short. We?ve also read the longer, more detailed book that was too exhaustive for my preschooler and toddler. But this version is perfect! It provides just enough detail for both parents and children to enjoy. Illustrations are taken directly from the Disney classic movie. I highly recommend it for little princesses everywhere. |




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