Series / 所属系列: |
My Little Pony
: 来自迪斯尼的 Little Pony, 属小马驹的朋友,想看看这个小马驹的神奇经历吗?
Overview / 简介: |
One beautiful night, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Sparkleworks decide to sleep out under the stars.
Rainbow Dash tells the other ponies a spooky story about a big storm. It gives poor Pinkie Pie a bad dream! Luckily, her friends are there to reassure her that although dreams are not real, their friendship is.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This story is very simple as the previous review states, but I respectfully disagree with the rating they gave it (and obviously so did their 2 yr old.) It is perfect for a Pony loving preschooler. In the book, Pinkie Pie has a nightmare similar to a "ghost story" type tale that her pony friends told her just before bed duing their sleep over. When she wakes up frightened her friends reassure her that dreams are not real but their freindship is real. My daughter got this book right around the same time she was having some trouble with nighttime fears(at about age 3.) It was a good story to read before bed because it reminded her that dreams are not real and can't hurt us. (Unfortunately, however, now she keeps bugging me about having a sleepover like the ponies. ) |




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