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Chicks And Salsa(获奖书插画家Paulette Bogan著作)  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Reynolds, Aaron
Category: Fiction - Animals  Pet  Bedtime  Humorous 

Barcode: 50121540

ISBN: 9781599900995
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.95
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
A rollicking story about a rooster that is a little smarter than the average barnyard animal. Farmer Nuthatcher's chickens are tired of their regular feed, and it just so happens that the rooster has been watching cooking shows over the farmer's wife's shoulder. He has some ideas, beginning with chips and salsa. Soon the ducks are inspired and give up fish for guacamole, and the pigs go for beans and chiles. With all of this southwestern cuisine, it's time for a fiesta. It turns out, though, that Mrs. Nuthatcher is making tamales, and all of the ingredients the animals need are gone, so it's time for a new cuisine–from a French cookbook.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 2–A rollicking story about a rooster that is a little smarter than the average barnyard animal. Farmer Nuthatcher's chickens are tired of their regular feed, and it just so happens that the rooster has been watching cooking shows over the farmer's wife's shoulder. He has some ideas, beginning with chips and salsa. Soon the ducks are inspired and give up fish for guacamole, and the pigs go for beans and chiles. With all of this southwestern cuisine, it's time for a fiesta. It turns out, though, that Mrs. Nuthatcher is making tamales, and all of the ingredients the animals need are gone, so it's time for a new cuisine–from a French cookbook. This story is a fun read, with a refrain and a smooth pattern. Bogan's humorous illustrations keep the action moving, and the pages are filled with saturated color and energy. A definite purchase for any library.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
A pig can eat only so much slop. Fowl may need to part from their feed. Even a duck might tire of fish. This is the premise of "Chicks and Salsa," a celebration of culinary diversity in general, salsa in particular. The "salsafication" of the farm animals is the brainchild of a rebellious rooster, although there's a rat (literal, not figurative) who--behind the scenes--supplies the ingredients. The rooster is the face of the salsa revolution, but the rat, lurking stealthily on most pages, is the muscle. Like a great chef or musician, Aaron Reynolds riffs on salsa within a structured format. AS the zest for salsa spreads from one species to another, the recipes change. The rooster and chickens pick farm fresh (naturally) onions and tomatoes, the ducks dine on cilantro and garlic, and the pigs go for beans and chopped chilis. Paulette Bogan gives these mischievous animals distinctive personalities and emotion. She draws a bored chicken like no one else. A pig turns fier red after eating chilis, while another pig proudly juggles them. Bogan's seems to thrive on low-light scenes; the animals become luminescent, and their glow warms the barn and surrounding farmland. Her shadows and shadings use unusual color combinations, and the fiesta preparations are vivid and rich. Sadly, the fiesta never takes place, as the humans, who finally wake up and smell the animals' spices, seize all the ingredients for a tamale entree entry at the state fair. The conclusion is a little bit abrupt, but it's clever: The rooster sneaks into the kitchen, and with the rat's help shifts from one cuisine to another, becoming a master at crepes. The fiesta turns into something of a salon, and--zut alors--the animals done "French" clothes, a bit of attitude, and share the hors d'ouevres. "Chicks and Salsa" is delightfully entertaining, with mugging animals and other silly stuff alternating with keenly observed humor. The very talented Bogan gives the reader a visual feast on every page; the animals look as welcoming as teddy bears. 34 pages long, with a book cover that can be made into a poster, and three recipes to try: "Hog Wild Nachos," "Quackamole," and "Rooster's Toasted Salsa."

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Annie: 每一页都有一个惊喜     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/11/25 9:57:00
"Chicks and Salsa" is delightfully entertaining, with mugging animals and other silly stuff alternating with keenly observed humor. The very talented Bogan gives the reader a visual feast on every page;
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我要学英语: 非常有意思的一本书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/12/9 16:19:00
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风过不留痕: 浓郁的墨西哥风情     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/1/26 9:59:00
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遥遥 6岁深圳: Chicks and Salsa     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/3/23 10:11:00
看这本书的时候,我和女儿一直哈哈大笑,对于文字倒是没有关注多少,可能是因为里面有很多国外的一些传统食品的名字,这本书我们是真的严格按照绘本来读的... 每一页,每一页的每一个角落都有惊喜.先从大公鸡开始,带头作好吃的,然后鸭子知道了,也不想吃鱼了,自己去菜园里摘菜做好吃的.印象最深刻的是猪,不吃平常吃的了,要吃辣椒,辣得嘴巴鼻子红红的,搞笑级了.最后要等开fiesta的时候,发现原料没有了,大家只能吃回自己以前的食物,大家那个失望呀... 图片画的非常非常逼真.但是,公鸡又开始自己开菜谱做饭了,虽然不知道他从哪里学的阅读...
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长江愚人: 超级喜爱的一本书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/4/17 23:56:00
收获有一点:当我读到crept into the garden的时候,她会做出蹑手蹑脚的样子,当读到the ducks decided they were tired of 的时候,她会接上“fish".the pigs decided they were tired of 时,她又会接slop.并且在吃到好吃的东西时会大声说“Ole",像极了那只搞笑的大公鸡!
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我爱阅读我爱书: Chicks and Salsa     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/4/20 15:06:00
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老而徇齐: 有趣的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/1/8 17:06:00
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轩妈: 动物也疯狂     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/3/10 10:49:00
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小小妈妈: 色彩鲜艳,很吸引孩子     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/8/5 8:56:00
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蓉妈: 挺有趣的     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/9/14 22:09:00
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yzy0923: 书本挺有意思的,图片更有内容     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/10/21 14:53:00
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daniel妈咪2015: 很有趣,但是有难度     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2016/1/11 22:16:00
尤其是看到里面找各种机会“做买卖”小老鼠,他总笑个不停,尤其是在鸡舍里面那业,说里面那只端盘子的老鼠是给大家去“试吃”的,外面那个收钱卖的才是卖东西的,他们搞促销试吃,好吃了 母鸡就去买了~~哈啊哈哈我也是被他这个结合亲身经历的解说搞滴笑爆了
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