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The Baby Tree
Author:   Sophie Blackall
Category: Fiction - AwardWinner  Bedtime  How 

Barcode: 50121151

ISBN: 9780399257186
Pages: 36
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.99
价值: ¥108
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥25,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Sooner or later, every child will ask, Where do babies come from? Answering this question has never been this easy or entertaining! Join a curious little boy who asks everyone from his babysitter to the mailman, getting all sorts of funny answers along the way, before his parents gently set him straight.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
K-Gr 2—A delightfully age-appropriate way to give young children the facts about conception and birth. A baby is coming, and the soon-to-be big brother has many questions, his most persistent one being "Where do babies come from?" After gathering partial answers from his babysitter, his teacher, and his grandpa, he is more confused than ever. The boy has heard that babies come from a baby tree, the hospital, and special delivery by stork. Feeling dissatisfied with these answers, he finally asks Mom and Dad, who lovingly sit down and explain exactly where babies come from. In one page, they relate the truth, explaining that an egg comes from the mother, a seed from the father, resulting in the growth of a baby—an explanation that satisfies the protagonist's curiosity and makes him realize that there is a bit of truth in every story. Well, except for Grandpa's. He just may have to explain to him where babies really come from. The story smoothly sails from tale to tale as the main character searches for answers. The back matter goes into more detail for children who would like more information. The Chinese ink and watercolor illustrations are beautifully crafted and designed in a manner that shows movement. Each page is adorned with soft colors and crisp, clear pictures that enhance the story. Another wonderful contribution from Blackall.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Sophie Blackall (www.sophieblackall.com) is the illustrator of several award-winning picture books, including Meet Wild Boars by Meg Rosoff, Pecan Pie Baby by Jacqueline Woodson, Big Red Lollipop (by Rukhsana Khan), and the Ivy and Bean books by Annie Barrows. Her many honors include a BCCB Blue Ribbon, Ezra Jack Keats New Illustrator Award, Society of Illustrators Founders Award, Publishers Weekly Best Children’s Book, Book Sense 76 Pick, and New York Times Top Ten Picture Book. Her artwork has also appeared in murals as part of the New York City MTA’s “Arts for Transit” program. Previously she has had jobs in a shoe shop and a robot factory. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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