Series / 所属系列: |
I Can Read
: Harper Collins 出版的分级读物,每本书 32-64 页不等,比较长的书包含不只一个故事。在有趣的故事吸引孩子读下去,从中通过大量的重复达到熟练掌握的目的。这套书和其他分级读物的一个主要区别是,文字以及插图作者大多为有名的儿童作家及画家,因此虽为分级读物但故事性、图画均水平很高,很多还出版了带有 CD 的版本,广受好评。其中的Frog and Toad, Little Bear, Amelia Bedelia 更是大名在外。这套书是美国很多小学的阅读教材,包括小安妮回国后的外教班,就是在安妮鲜花博客中的博文《美国老师如何引导孩子读绘本》中提到的那个专为小海归办的、和美国孩子同步学习的外教班,也选用了这套书中一些作为阅读教材。
: 可爱的小黄狗,有点淘气、虽然经常弄巧成拙但喜欢交朋友,有爱心,甚至充满了智慧,对小孩子亲子阅读的好书。
Overview / 简介: |
Quack! Quack! What's that sound? Biscuit goes to see and meets a lost duckling. Biscuit helps the duckling find its way home, and then the fun begins. Woof! Quack! |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1. Capucilli and Schories team up again for another beginning reader featuring Biscuit the puppy. Here, the dog and his young owner find a duckling and reunite it with its family in the pond. Colorful and appealing watercolor illustrations, surrounded by ample white space, support the text. Biscuit's face is filled with new-puppy curiosity and his tail seems to be constantly wagging. Short, simple sentences in large-sized print contribute to the readability. Plenty of "quacks" and "woofs" encourage expressive telling aloud. Sure to be a popular choice.?Sharon R. Pearce, San Antonio Public Library, TX |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My 3 yr old son has simply fallen in love with Biscuit. We look forward to bedtime reading each night as we go through Biscuit's day which is full of adventures. The book is interactive in the way that it asks questions which gives the children a chance to be creative with their own adventure. We look forward to growing with Biscuit! |




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