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Daddy Calls Me Doodlebug(名作家J. D. Lester著作)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Lester, J.D.
Category: Fiction - Animals  Language  General 

Barcode: 50116683

ISBN: 9780375858307
Pages: 26
Age / Level: 0-3
Type & Binding: 纸板书,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 7.99
价值: ¥80
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥16,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
This charming board book companion title to Mommy Calls Me Monkeypants showcases daddies' nicknames for their babies. It captures the love and playfulness of father and child interaction with clever, funny verses and illustrations that are right on the mark. The rhyming couplets also teach about animal behavior, which comes to life in Hiroe Nakata's sweet and charming watercolor artwork.

This adorable and quietly informative book is perfect for sharing with a favorite little one.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I bought Daddy Calls Me Doodlebug and Mommy Calls Me Monkeypants for my son, even though I realize he was a little older than the target market. Thought they were sooooo cute. As it turned out, so did he! He's 5 so some of the board books in his world have been set aside, but now that he's learning to read some are resurfacing. He did the most interesting thing with the Mommy/Daddy books. He realized there was a pattern between them and wanted to read them simultaneously, page by page and compare. Then read them backwards together. Curious :), but fun. He wants Daddy to read the "Daddy" one and Mommy to read the "Mommy" one. The illustrations are lovely and the wording is clever, fun and catchy. He loves adding his own nickname in there too with a nice rhyme! Very creative and family friendly books for all!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Author Bio J. D. Lester is a Southern lady with a big sense of humor and a heart of gold. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband, their children, and two golden retrievers. Illustrator Bio Hiroe Nakata grew up in Japan, where she was encouraged in her drawing by her grandfather, a painter. She moved to the United States when she was sixteen and is a graduate of the Parsons School of Design. She has illustrated numerous children's books and lives in Brooklyn, NY.

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