Overview / 简介: |
A runaway kitty named Simon introduces kids to what it takes to put on a show and have a moment in the spotlight. It's a kid-pleasing peek at a fascinating world the draws both stardom-seekers and those who prefer to remain behind the scenes. With illustrations by a bright new star on the Blue Apple list, kids will discover that there's just as much interesting stuff behind the footlights - and up in the catwalks - as on the stage
Part backstage-theater-primer, part cat-adventure-story, this book portrays what it takes to put on a show and have a moment in the spotlight.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
The New York Times cheers for Jenni Desmond's Blue Apple debut, Red Cat Blue Cat : "Feline foes and rivalries masking secret jealousies are not new subjects. Nonetheless, the warring yet endearing cats in Jenni Desmond's "Red Cat Blue Cat" are welcome company. The story, with its nod to "Little Blue and Little Yellow" and other tales of friendship and differences, hits all the familiar beats. But it does so with a generous dose of humor, adept storytelling and spot-on detail." -- The New York Times |
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