Series / 所属系列: |
Baby Einstein
Touch And Feel
Overview / 简介: |
15x15cm纸板书。可以触摸一下sheep的毛,cow 的鼻子,goat 的胡子,rooster的冠. house脖子,体验各种毛绒绒的感觉. Baby Einstein的书,画面、颜色都非常好!
Curious babies will love this new Baby Einstein board book, featuring stunning full color photos of farm animals with touch and feel panels. Babies will be introduced to animals that live on farms through endearing text and delightful illustrations. They will enjoy touching a sheep's course wool or the flowing mane of a horse. Baby Einstein Books is an imprint of developmentally appropriate, interactive books designed to introduce children ages 0-3 to classic poetry, art, and foreign languages in a fun and accessible way. A combination of playful images, beautiful photography, and bold illustrations with multilayered text will captivate and stimulate babies and young children. This "humanities for babies" program, based on the award-winning video series, taps into the natural learning potential of young children--and their parents' aspirations for them.




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