Series / 所属系列: |
I Am Reading
Overview / 简介: |
Here are two stories about J.J. Rabbit and his friends -- Mole, Badger, Owl, and Squirrel. In the first story, strange footprints appear outside of J.J. Rabbit's burrow and he thinks there must be a monster on the loose. In the second story, J.J. and his friends search for an adventure but end up getting lost.
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Ant Parker studied drawing and printing at the Bath Academy of Art in England and has taught papermaking, printing and bookbinding workshops for children. Toddlers and parents around the globe have discovered the irresistible appeal of his wacky cartoon characters in Flashing Fire Engines, Terrific Trains, Dazzling Diggers, and Roaring Rockets. Other titles include Charlie the Chicken and Desmond the Dog.
Nicola Moon has also written Noisy Neighbors in the I Am Reading series.
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